Sunday, September 11, 2005

Strip Club-The Manor

Welcome to the first of what will be regular reviews of strip clubs from around the globe. My career path is such that I get to travel often to new and sometimes exciting places. Mostly it is limited to the US, Canada and Mexico. But once in a blue moon, it extends beyond. It doesn’t matter if I am in Bishopsville, SC or Las Vegas, NV, if there is a strip club or “peeler” in the vicinity I will find it.
Today we are going to focus on the legendary "Manor". Nested in the quaint University town of Guelph, Ontario Canada. The Manor is housed in the old Sleaman’s beer family’s mansion. It is an old style mansion with a European feel. It has foregone many names, but ask anyone in Guelph where the “Manor” is and they will be able to point you to it

Most nights if you get there before 9PM there is no cover charge. I think after 9PM there is a $15 (CAN) cover. Once inside you will notice the place is very elegant. Marble statues of beautiful nude females are strategically placed. The doormen and other staff are dress in formal wear. There is a “game” area with 2 very classy billiard tables and a few video game machines. Further on into the gallery there is a wonderful full bar with many ladies sitting upon the high bar stools, dressed in various lingerie themed attire. Behind the bar up high are televisions playing the most recent porn release. The place is very dark. So it will take your eyes a moment to adjust. I suggest that you enter the gallery and wait a moment before trying to seat yourself. There are many tables available most that seat 4. Once seated you will be greeted by a waitress. You can order your favorite beverage, even alcohol. I suggest that if you are into beer try the Labaat 50. Within minutes, one of many beautiful young ladies who will ask if they can sit down will approach you. What the great thing about the Manor is that there are a mix of girls in the place. This guy is smart. I asked around and it is rumored that every 6 months he travels to the Ukraine. He recruits the best looking young ladies to come do a stint in good ol’ Canada. He houses them, pays them, and gives them the opportunity to stay and become Canadian citizens or they can return home after the 6 months. There are also local Canadian beauties. Now everyone thinks that the best thing out of Canada is the hockey and beer. Let me tell you, the Canadian women are what make Canada great. Not only are they hot, they are well refined, so there is a good mix of girls to choose from. Yes, choose from!
The stage show is great. The music and the D.J. keep it interesting. Each hottie’s routine consists of three stages. First, they will come out and dance dressed in everything from formal wear to hooker wear. They will then disappear backstage and re-appear and dance, and strip down to the butt floss. Once again, backstage they will then come out and take it all off. Tipping in the Manor is a little different than most places. You wait until the 3rd song, and then you get on stage lie on your back with the tip. Most guys lie on their backs with the money folded between their teeth. The girl will come and get the tip in the most creative ways. I have seen girls who will undress you down to your underwear on stage, use your belt to spank that ass and many very erotic scenarios depending on the number of guys on stage and the length of the song. One word of advice, while on stage DO NOT TOUCH OR ATTEMPT TO TOUCH THE GIRL. I think that it is common sense, but you have been warned. The craziest stunt I have seen a girl do to a guy on stage was literary sit on his face totally nude. She humped his face with the bare beaver and he could do nothing. Torture I say!

Moving on to the private dances. There is the open area where you can get your lap dance on couches. Drinks are allowed and the girls are 100% in the buff. The cost is $10 CAD per song. You are not allowed to touch so I suggest that you sit on your hands. But they can and will touch you. What is distracting about this is that there may be several people getting dances. The area is open and I often find myself looking at and watching the other girls and not giving my full attention to the girl performing for me. All of the girls give high quality lap dances. If you leave there without a hard on you’re gay.

For you more experienced and refined men there is the “Flamingo Room”. The girls are going to pitch this to you and often. The Flamingo Room is behind this huge oak door. There is a doorman in a tux at the entrance. It costs $22 CAD to enter the Flamingo room. Keep this in mind because if you go in, come out, and want to return, it is another $22 CAD. Once inside it is dark, even darker from the gallery. There is a podium where another gentleman in a tux will ask you what you would like to drink. You can order anything you’d like. Go for the hard stuff. After all, you just paid $22 CAD for this drink. He will escort you and your choice of a lady to a very private cubicle. I must note that this mansion is incredible. It is a maze of hallways and corridors with all of these private enclaves situated about. There is candle light all around. These cubicles are much better than the open couch area outside the oak door. The only downfall to the cubicles are that the have no doors. I say this because you need to keep this in mind as ushers make their rounds and may peek in. The music in here is not the same music out on the stage. (The songs are shorter) The cost is $20 CAD per song for a dance. Make sure you pick the best girl in the place for back here. This is where you will want to spend your hard earned cash. I always ask the rules of each girl. All the girls are consistent so I know the place has “Official” rules. It is always the same with each girl. “You can touch my breasts, my back, my legs, and my stomach, but you can not touch my pussy”. OK, got it. When you get the girls back here and start spending cash, you’ll get the best lap dance of your life. Make sure that you keep count of the songs. The girls will act like they have no clue but they do. They are trying to keep you back there all night. I have seen and experienced some crazy shit back in the Flamingo Room.If you are the guy who doesn’t mind spending the money and are looking for “Happy Ending”, the opportunity is there. I am sure that it is not legal, and I would suggest that the management does not know, but “Happy Ending” does occur in the labyrinth that is the Manor. If you’re out for happy ending, make sure you do your negotiations outside of the Flamingo Room. I usually say to the girl when she asks if I want to go to the Flamingo, “What happens in there”? The response will be the key to your success. Make sure you communicate “How” you want the happy ending to occur. Once the deal is struck, the routine will be the same. Go to the oak door, pay the $22 CAD, and order your drink. You will then notice that the girl will tip the usher. This means, leave us alone. You will follow him down passages and through secret doorways to your private spot. There the pre negotiated “Happy Ending” will occur to your agreed deal.

There is also another club in the lower part of the mansion. I hear it is or was a male strip review. It is only open certain days. If it is ever open while I am there, I will review it for the ladies.So next time you’re in the area (between Kitchener and Toronto) stop on into the Manor, tell them Mike sent you.Disclaimer: All information pertaining to the Manor, the events and or actions of the dancers, and management or employees are hearsay. I have never taken part in anything illegal there. :)